Books by You by Knowledge Adventure

Books by You by Knowledge Adventure

Books by You by Knowledge Adventure

KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE’S Books by You software is
designed for students in grades 3 through 5, and allows them to create,
edit, illustrate, and publish books they write themselves. Paperback
or hardcover copies of the books can then be ordered and
delivered to the students’ homes. Actor John Lithgow, also a children’s
book author, guides users throughout the self-publishing
process via video and audio segments. Features of the software
include: four chapter books that students may personalize and customize
using their own experiences; word definitions; and tools to
import pictures and create dedication and About the Author pages.
Teachers can also create posters and press releases hyping the students’ books. Price: two teacher’s editions, $59.95; five
lab packs, $149.95; 15 site licenses, $325; network license, $699.95.


This article originally appeared in the 12/01/2006 issue of THE Journal.
