Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet facilisis arcu. Nunc eget ligula eu ipsum scelerisque scelerisque in ut libero. Suspendisse porttitor fermentum risus quis rutrum. Morbi turpis dui, pellentesque nec rutrum non, rhoncus vehicula sem. Donec facilisis nunc ac orci lacinia ac malesuada arcu hendrerit. Nunc egestas interdum blandit. Sed pulvinar ornare elementum. Nam eget fringilla tellus. Aenean quis metus arcu. Aenean fermentum turpis sit amet massa consequat tincidunt. Sed posuere turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque hendrerit. Phasellus consequat iaculis dolor, ac suscipit dolor tristique nec.

Duis tempus fermentum augue, at sagittis ipsum interdum eget. Pellentesque at augue lorem, eu adipiscing lacus. Proin commodo, eros quis fermentum elementum, odio nisl pharetra sem, ac mollis ligula lorem malesuada lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas ultricies enim eu dui scelerisque scelerisque lobortis ipsum tristique. Aenean ut ornare arcu. Donec congue mollis erat, vel molestie ligula pharetra id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris tincidunt, arcu ut tincidunt sodales, neque augue ornare metus, quis ullamcorper eros lectus eget mauris. Curabitur fermentum fermentum dolor, in euismod urna convallis tempus. In hendrerit, lectus vitae tristique auctor, nisl nisi pellentesque massa, vitae egestas tellus elit eu tellus. Nulla odio neque, viverra sit amet consectetur vel, gravida vel urna. Nullam sit amet sem est. Vestibulum pellentesque fringilla massa, vitae scelerisque sem accumsan lacinia. Curabitur consequat est urna, quis pellentesque risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut id diam dui, ac faucibus tellus.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Congress on the Future of Content has been postponed to a future date sometime in the Fall. Please check back for more details or click here to send an email to request more information once it becomes available.


T.H.E. Journal has teamed up with the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) to bring together key education decision makers and publishers to examine the future of content in education. The Congress on the Future of Content is conveniently co-located with FETC, one of the largest education technology conferences in the U.S. and will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL on February 1, 2011.

This event will explore the latest developments influencing the creation, distribution and acquisition of content in education. Be a part of the discussion and hear from top educators and policy makers as they discuss their plans for content in a new world of Common Core Standards and increased flexibility for acquiring and using content of all kinds.

Join Us to Experience:

  • State policy makers from Indiana, Virginia and Texas examining the impact of changes in policy for the creation and acquisition of content in their states
  • Karen Cator, Director of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education explaining the role of content in the National Educational Technology Plan and taking your questions and suggestions
  • Out-of-the-box thinkers exploring emerging business models for content in education – including open education resources
  • School practitioners sharing experiences and results as they transitioned from a print-based approach to more digital and
    flexible content
  • The opportunity to network and build relationships with key education professionals

Jointly, SETDA and T.H.E. Journal have produced a great program that brings together educators, policy-makers and content-related industry representatives to examine the future of content in education and the challenges we face as we move towards more flexible, digital and open content for states and school districts.

Be a part of this unique opportunityREGISTER to attend Congress on the Future of Content 2011!


Who Should Attend:

  • Users of content (school and district administrators)
  • Publishers and providers of content
  • Distributors of content
  • Federal and State policy makers

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