Ed. Gets Discount on CAD Pkg. Upgrade
Cadkey 7 for Windows Release 2 is now available. Surface modeling capabilities, an Advanced Drafting Module, Cadkey LISP for Windows, plus networking and installation enhancements are all part of this release. FastLite, a surface module, works in wireframe modeling to help with difficult problems such as intersecting two surfaces, and supports creation and modification of tabulated cylinders, surfaces of revolution, tangent fillet surfaces and offset surfaces. The Advanced Drafting Module adds mechanical detailing features such as dimensioning, tolerancing, balloon notes, surface texture symbols and visual symbol libraries for common applications. Third party development support is enhanced with Cadkey LISP. Release 2 also includes performance enhancements; file loading, redraws and viewing are up to four times faster. Cadkey 7 for Windows Release 2 will run from a network server or CD-ROM. The educational price is $149 per copy, over $600 off the regular price. Cadkey, Inc., Windsor, CT, (203) 298-8888, www.cadkey.com. W