Statistical Package Goes Native for Windows 95
SPSS 7.0 for Windows 95 incorporates many new features besides the overall ease and power the Windows 95 operating system provides.
The statistical software program has new presentation features that help improve the appearance of tables of statistical results. Users can choose from a library of presentation-ready formats called TableLooks, and can customize reports and highlight items by modifying color, fonts, line styles and headings.
The product's new pivot tables let users look at results from different angles simply by dragging an icon, and lets them rotate or pivot through multi-dimensional views of their results. Tables can also be moved to other applications or the desktop through SPSS's implementation of OLE 2.0 in-place editing and automation features. The new Navigator's efficient output management enables users to quickly find particular results without wading through screens of output.
Statistical enhancements include a general linear modeling (GLM) procedure for more versatility in specifying analyses. Users can perform post-hoc tests that show the significant differences between groups and mixed models, which allows them to analyze both fixed and random effects. Four types of sums of squares procedures, compliant to FDA regulations, are included, as are numerous functions and probability plots. A new summary procedure provides quick and easy access to case information including summary statistics based upon user-specified break variables.
Designed for Windows 95, the program also runs under Windows NT 3.5.1. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, (312) 329-2400, W