Pkg. Facilitates Mac Network Services

Waterloo MacJANET addresses the needs of Mac computer labs, providing file sharing, e-mail with Internet access, security, print spooling, CD-ROM sharing and network administration services.

Version 4.2 controls network access by requiring users to log-on with a password. Unlike other servers, all files are stored inside network disks and can only be viewed through authorized access.

Administrators also can create personal network disks for users to store private files, impose group-based restrictions on disk access, prevent changes to shared files, or create drop box folders for users to deposit files.

Documents can be distributed quickly across the network by including multiple file and folder enclosures with the built-in e-mail utility. Printing costs are controlled with printer page accounting and page-count limits for LaserWriters.

Other features include the ability to share single- or multi-platter CD-ROM drives, customization via scriptable applications; "look only" or "make changes" permissions for secondary network administrators, and more.

MacJANET can be downloaded from the publisher's Web site. WATNET Technologies, Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, (519) 888-6700,
