Access Science Magazine on Web
Science, Eh? (Science on the Electronic highway), is a multimedia virtual science center that is being developed for the World Wide Web by MultiActive Technologies, Science World and the Simon Fraser University ExCITE Lab, with $1.5 million in private funding from MultiActive.
Geared to students in grades 4 to 9, Science, Eh? is a multimedia-rich interactive magazine of science-based information that will be available to schools and homes throughout North America. Teachers, students and home users will have access to information in virtually every aspect of the physical sciences -- from meteorology, astronomy and physics, to chemistry, biology and zoology; science news; articles about controversial science topics; hyperlinked information resources; a calendar of events; and a forum in which youngsters can submit questions to scientists.
The service will be one of the first broadband applications to utilize the new high bandwidth pipes for educational purposes, delivering the electronic magazine to schools with state-of-the-art fiber optic technology. MultiActive Technologies, Inc., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, (604) 895-8224, www.