Apple Workshops Focus on Families

Apple Computer has expanded its Family Computing Workshops, which educate families about the benefits of technology for children's learning and demonstrate creative ways parents and children can use technology together. Based on a pilot program initiated last year, the workshops are the first in a series of programs, products and services to be offered by the Bring Learning Home Alliance led by Apple, the National Geographic Society, PBS, Scholastic and the Computer Learning Foundation. The Alliance offers materials and guidance educators need to host free workshops at their local schools or community centers. Participating schools receive a planning guide, CD-ROM presentation, set of educational CDs for hands-on sessions, and posters and flyers for promotion. Also provided are a National Geographic Society kit and the book Everything You Need to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask Kids) About the Information Highway. Participating schools are automatically entered into a Family Computing Workshop Sweepstakes, which will award Macintosh computers, QuickTake cameras and Color StyleWriter printers. To host a workshop, schools must have the following equipment: a Macintosh with at least 8MB of RAM and double-speed CD-ROM drive, a VCR and a large-screen projection device. For information or to register call (800) 365-7080, ext. 200. Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA, (800) 462-4396,
