Spanish SW Adjusts to Students' Ability
Espanol Dinamico, DynEd's new multimedia course in spoken Spanish, focuses on proven methods for language learning and utilizes interactivity to give a complete language learning experience. The product's listening-based approach uses dialogues, narratives and lively popular songs to introduce learners to the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Several language varieties are presented using native speaker models from Spain, Mexico and Latin America. Ease of use and various comprehension aids such as written text, English translations and glossaries offer students an enjoyable, stress-free, effective learning environment. Espanol Dinamico features DynEd's "Shuffler" technology that lets the courseware automatically adjust to the student's ability, and the program's variability of content enables students to repeat lessons again and again, encountering new material each time. DynEd Int'l., Foster City, CA, (800) 578-8067, WM