In The Spotlight: Compact Video Camera Opens New Doors

Superscopeís VPS200 video presentation camera opens up new doors for multimedia presenters. The VPS200 converts many forms of media -- 35mm slides, prints, filmstrips, negative -- into a video image. The lighted stage also accommodates solid objects, whether a textbook or tennis ball.   

Its built-in 1/3" CCD camera provides a high resolution of over 400 TV lines in the horizontal plane and 350 TV lines in the vertical plane. This output can be fed to a television, monitor, computer, LCD/data projector, VCR or other video device.  

Presenters may turn the camera and lamps on/off independently; switch between B&W, negative and positive modes; and adjust the density of red color and blue color output. A five-position click control provides shutter speeds ranging from 1/60 to 1/500.  

Weighing two pounds, the VPS200 can be folded to a size of 3.5" x 5.5" x 9.8" for easy transport. It comes with a carrying bag, AC adapter, five-foot video cable, slide carrier and filmstrip carrier. Superscope Technologies, Aurora, IL, (630) 820-4800.  
