On The Web
Petersons and Educational Directories Unlimited (EDU) unite to provide a complete grad school search online. It links to Petersons individual in-depth program descriptions and an electronic admission service capable of sending applications with official, confidential test scores attached.
The Asia Societys AsiaSource site is a gateway to up-to-date, reliable and valuable information and news on everything to do with Asia.
World Wide School is an impressive collection of literature, reference and courses online. The "Library" section contains many online books, ranging from literature (Twain, Dickens, Shakespeare and more) to reference to academic topics like History, Science and Philosophy. There are also numerous free online courses.
Dont be fooled by the name, this site is legitimate. SkipClass.com is a free Web service that lets college students nationwide find, buy, sell or trade textbooks directly with each other. This can result in great savings on textbooks and provide a way for students to get something back for the books they no longer need.
By integrating everything from course resources and career services to student activities and e-mail, Student Online brings a college community together online. A personality profile is created for each user, allowing the system to suggest events tailored to each individuals academic, social and cultural interests. Student Online also has full wireless functionality for palm computers and Web-ready cell phones.
The official Space Day Web site celebrates the extraordinary achievements and opportunities of space exploration. There are online cooperative learning experiences, a series of creative problem solving Design Challenges, and much more.