Quest Series: Online Learning Expeditions

Classroom Connect, a provider of Internet-based curriculum and professional development for K-12 education, has developed the Quest series of online learning expeditions. Students direct each expedition, gathering clues and proposing theories. Teachers and their pupils set the weekly course, help solve ethical dilemmas, and investigate real scientific mysteries together with the world’s top scientists. Daily Web features provide opportunities to meet national standards in mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, economics, geography, and life and work skills.


The most recent program, AmericaQuest, explored the mystery surrounding the Anasazi and why these ancient people suddenly abandoned their dwellings and left the Four Corners region 700 years ago. Other Quests have included AfricaQuest and GalapagosQuest. The program normally costs about $110 per classroom. Classroom Connect, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, (800) 638-1639,
