
This Internet-based service instantly connects students and their families with colleges that offer academic scholarships. Its proprietary database and search technology allow students with a B average or higher to match their academic profile against millions of dollars in academic scholarships available from over 1,100 colleges nationwide.



This Web site lists language courses at more than 6,200 institutions teaching 71 different languages in 85 countries. Free access to all sections of the Web site is provided in 24 languages. Detailed search facilities let students select study preferences such as location, course type, extracurricular activities, special services, and additional programs. Each school is listed with full contact information and background details.



This site offers complete lesson plans for classroom teaching in language arts, social studies and science. Each unit comes with a step-by-step instructional guide, handouts, and a comprehensive bibliography. Each unit costs $15.95.



Clever Island is a subscription-based educational Web site for children ages 3 to 8. It provides pre-readers and young learners a way to learn fundamental math, reading and computer skills using educational games and activities. Designed by teachers, the site adapts to a child's current skill level based upon the child's age, yet allows the difficulty level to be adjusted as the child masters new abilities. New activities are added on a regular basis.
