
WebMathematica from Wolfram Research integrates Mathe-matica with Web server technology to add interactive calculations and visualization to a Web site. Possible applications of webMathematica include deploying calculators, problem solvers and other functions on the Web; delivering specialized calculations; selling or adding subscription services to a Web site; as well as publishing interactive mathematics courseware, textbooks, papers and books on the Web.

Wolfram Research also offers The Mathematical Explorer, which allows users to explore some of the most fascinating topics in mathematics. Topics include prime numbers, calculus, secret codes, The Riemann Hypothesis, recreational mathematics, chaos patterns, The Four Color Theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem, among others. Wolfram Research Inc., Champagne, IL, (800) 965-3725, www.wolfram.com.

This article originally appeared in the 04/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
