E-Book Publisher Adds Formats

In response to the growing number of options for publishing e-books, eBookMall.com has added seven new e-book formats to its Web site, bringing the total number of formats it offers to 11 and its e-book selection beyond 25,000. The site now offers Adobe PDF and eBook, Gemstar eBook/Rocket eBook, hiebook, HTML, Instant eBook, Microsoft Word, Plain Text, MobiPocket, Palm and Microsoft Readers.

eBookMall.com is an e-publisher and retailer of e-books. Its publishing center provides authors with services such as e-book conversion, cover design, promotion and more. eBookMall Inc., Nevada City, CA, (800) 380-9040, www.ebookmall.com.

This article originally appeared in the 08/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
