Einstein's Life, Work Now Accessible Through Online Archives

Making sense of Albert Einstein is the goal of the new Web site Einstein Archives Online (EAO), online at www.alberteinstein.info. With more than 900 scientific documents and personal papers detailing the thoughts and emotions of one of the world's most fascinating minds, EAO is the result of a yearlong cooperative effort between the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology.

To help users get inside Einstein's head, the site houses a database of 40,000 documents, images and records on his life and work. A vast collection of Einstein's writings, digitized copies of his professional and personal correspondence, and pages from his notebooks and travel diaries are also available on the site. In addition, EAO helps refute some of the myths about Einstein, such as his poor grades: He was a good student in general, but history tends to focus on his one flunking grade in French. Also, he was not a top-secret agent for the U.S. government, rather he was monitored by the FBI as a possible threat to national security.

This article originally appeared in the 08/01/2003 issue of THE Journal.
