PowerPro PA-916
The Califone (www.califone.com) PowerPro PA-916 is a flexible,portable system on wheels that comes with two built-in wireless microphone receivers, a CD player, a variable-speed cassetterecorder/player and a mixing panel. The system features the ability to be hooked to wired microphones, VCR andDVD players, computers, or interactive whiteboards. The PA-916 also offers schools an economical wireless presentationsystem that can deliver high-quality audio to audiences up to 1,000, with the ability to reach between 3,000to 10,000 people by transmitting wirelessly to compatible speakers. The PA-916 features independent bass and treble controls, a digital master volume control, a power status indicator, and a universal power supply. In addition, the systemis C-UL and CE approved for safe use in schools and other venues.