PalmOne Delivers Allin-One Mobile Manager
As one of the pioneers in handheldtechnology, palmOneInc. ( brokeaway from its traditional productfocus last month with the introductionof its LifeDrive mobilemanager, an all-in-one systemwith solutions for all of youradministrative and entertainmentneeds. LifeDrive comeswith a 4 GB (3.85 GB available touser) hard drive; an Intel 416MHz XScale processor; built-inWi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies;a 320 x 480 high-resolutioncolor display with portrait orlandscape viewing; and supportfor Microsoft Word, Excel,PowerPoint, and Adobe Acrobatfiles. It also hasa “smart” filemanagementsystem thatfeatures foldersync (whichautomaticallyupdatesselected fileswhen syncing),and drag-anddropfiletransfer functions.In addition -- with its expansion cardslot which supports SD, SDIOand MultiMediaCard formats—the LifeDrive offers users an easyway to share movies, MP3 files,and photos in one compactdevice that has an estimated streetprice of $499.