Certica Expands Data Certification in Texas


Data certification software provider Certica Solutions is expanding its data certification services in Texas with the aim of helping the school districts manage data in accordance with state and federal education mandates.

Certica's Certify software is designed to help districts ensure data accuracy for a variety of subjects, such as adequate yearly progress, drop-out rates, special education eligibility, student discipline, and teacher certification, among others. The software regularly compares data from state and district systems, checking for both data inaccuracies, as well as state and federal compliance issues, alerting district personnel when errors are found. The regular alerts give districts the opportunity to address potentially costly issues in a timely, more efficient manner.

"This initiative is vital to our district, as we will be focusing on information that has a direct impact on our funding from the state," said Eric Combs, data processing manager, San Angelo Independent School District, in a prepared statement. "Certify pro-actively highlights missing or inconsistent data, so we can address data problems expediently, thereby reporting accurate data to the state and receiving every state funding dollar that the district is entitled to."

Certify is also being implemented in districts to manage data beyond state reporting. Deer Park Independent School District is using the platform to track absences and identify patterns that indicate when a student is in danger of dropping out.

Other uses for the software include financial reporting, student information systems, as well as validation for customized databases tracking a variety of school- and district-specific information.

According the Certica, the Certify software platform comes preconfigured with hundreds of validation rules catered to Texas requirements in a variety of areas, including attendance, discipline, and course history. Other states using the software include California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington.

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About the author: Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached via e-mail here.

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About the Author

Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached here.
