Houston ISD Uses Wireless Devices To Administer Reading Assessments


Houston Independent School District announced recenty that it will implement Wireless Generation's mClass platform to administer formative assessments wirelessly, to K-3 students.

The district plans to deliver the TPRI and Tejas LEE reading assessments using handheld computers, and managing the process with the Wireless Generation software. Using mClass, the district said it expects reclaim instruction time by streamlining administration process. The handheld system automates timing and provides immediate score delivery. The platform also offers Web-based synchronization for data analysis and reporting.

"Wireless Generation has helped HISD to simplify our state-mandated early reading assessment process, from teacher implementation to data reporting, and has collaborated with our departmental teams to customize data uploads and downloads, based on our needs," said Tracy Weeden, HISD's assistant superintendent for Elementary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment, in a prepared statement. "In addition, Wireless Generation provides quick problem-solving assistance to our district coordinator from classroom issues to developing systemic collaboration processes."

As a hosted solution, the mClass platform does not require any additional IT infrastructure or physical overhead. Wireless Generation will place the solution in every K-3 class in the Houston district.

About the Author

Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached here.
