Collaboration 2.0 :: February 18, 2009


  • Web 2.0 Tools and K-12 Challenges

    Much of the debate about the mainstreaming of Web 2.0 tools in K-12 education here is in the United States centers on the challenges the kind of delivery of instruction required would face. That is, while we remain fairly rigid in how instruction is delivered and the idea of teacher-driven models, the use of Web 2.0 tools will always be marginalized. More


  • NASA Gives Boost to Virtual Learning Magnet Project

    The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is engaged in a proof of concept for a virtual learning magnet (VLM) for space science and mathematics with support from space agency NASA. The project will bring together teachers and subject matter experts with students to support learning in targeted interests. More
  • WiZiQ Provides Free Platform for Virtual Classes, a Web service that allows educators and students to meet online in real time for virtual classes, has added an embed feature that enables teachers, tutors, and other educators a means to apply multimedia content to their Web sites and blogs. More
  • Homeingle Matches Volunteers and Opportunities

    New social network allows schools and students, among other types of users, to post volunteer needs and find volunteer opportunities. More
  • Social Network for High School Sports Kicks Off

    FirstString, a new social networking site designed for high school athletes, has launched. The Web site lets athletes in 10 different sports communicate with their teammates, friends, and opponents within the same conference and division. More
  • Blackboard Bumps Learning Platform to Version 9.0

    Blackboard has released an all-new version of Blackboard Learn, formerly known as the Blackboard Academic Suite. The new 9.0 release adds social learning and Web 2.0 tools, as well as capabilities for integrating the software with open source systems like Moodle and Sakai. More
