New Online Software Package Aims To Help Educate Students with Autism

With a rate of a new diagnosis every 21 minutes, autism is the fast growing developmental disorder in the United States. Virtual Expert Clinics has launched AutismPro, a customizable package of tools, content, and programming designed to help educators and administrators improve the learning experiences for students with autism through the effective use of technology.

AutismPro is a web-based package divided into two sections: Workshops and Resources. The Workshops section is designed for general education teachers to learn and apply teaching strategies and instructional techniques that have proved effective in dealing with challenges posed by students with a variety of autism-related disabilities. The Resources section gives special education teachers, support staff, and administrators access to a database of more than 5,000 lesson plans, teaching strategies, and behavioral supports that can be used to apply techniques and target learning objectives to meet the individual student's needs.

Advising in the development of the software Kathleen Quill of the Autism Institute, Cathy Pratt of the Autism Society of America, and Brenda Smith Myles, author of several books on autism and co-director of the graduate program in Asperger Syndrome and autism at the University of Kansas.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
