ALEKS Releases RTI Math Materials

Mathematics solutions provider ALEKS has released a new line of Web-based software products that are designed to be used in a response to intervention program in middle school math courses.

RTI courses generally involve one or more methods of giving struggling students the individualized instruction each needs to improve his or her rate of progress in a subject. ALEKS specializes in a research-based aRTIficial intelligence method of determining individual needs.

Using adaptive questioning, the company's software can determine a student's level of knowledge--the areas in which the student has mastered the material and those in which he or she needs to catch up.

The software also offers immediate feedback, ongoing progress monitoring, and ALEKS' own QuickTables feature, which helps students consolidate all the basic arithmetic skills they'll need going forward in their education.

The new software is available for Tier 2 RTI for grades 6 through 8. Tier 2 students, as defined by the National Center on Response to Intervention, generally lag behind their peers at the same grade level and show insufficient rates of progress according to standard screening measures.

Further information about ALEKS RTI course software is available at the Web site, and instructors can also register for a free trial.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
