DQC Report To Spotlight State Education Data Use
Data Quality Campaign (DQC) this week will release the report on its annual analysis of educational data collection and use by each of the 50 states. Data for Action 2010 reports on the results of an in-depth survey and analysis that suggest that while states have made significant advancements in certain areas of data collection and its application, in other key areas most states have made little to no progress. To accompany the report's release and promote a nationwide discussion of the results, DQC will hold a live Webcast Feb. 16 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST.
Said DQC Executive Director Aimee Guidera, "The 2010 state analysis will show which states have collected quality data and taken the actions necessary to inform many of the questions currently confronting state policymakers. While, in the past year, states have made progress building statewide longitudinal data systems that follow students over time, many continue to lag in their ability to ensure the effective use of data to improve student achievement. Results will specifically highlight the states which have transitioned from collecting data for compliance and box checking to using this information to support educators and boost student achievement."
Speaking about the Web conference, Guidera said it "will include discussions on the key opportunities for states to improve how data are collected, shared, and used to inform critical policy discussions like teacher effectiveness and college and career readiness." Additionally, a group of education reform leaders will discuss the findings and their implications for education policy, as well as take questions from Web participants around the country. Aside from Guidera, panelists will include:
- Julie Bell, education program director, National Conference of State Legislatures;
- Paul Lingenfelter, president, State Higher Education Executive Officers;
- Dane Linn, education division director, National Governors Association Center for Best Practices;
- Brenda Welburn, executive director, National Association of State Boards of Education; and
- Gene Wilhoit, executive director, Council of Chief State School Officers.
To sign up to participate in the event, visit the conference registration page.
About the Author
Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.