Khan Academy Distributing Through BitTorrent
BitTorrent and the Khan Academy have partnered to make more than 2,000 educational videos available for free through a video catalog app.
The app is available for both the BitTorrent Mainline client and the µTorrent client and allows users to access and share videos covering math, science, and humanities, among others.
Both the app and the videos are free, though donations are encouraged and can be made directly through the app or at the Khan Academy Web site.
The Khan Academy is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation founded by Executive Director Salman Khan. The Academy provides educational videos in small pieces to promote its "mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere," according to the organization's Web site.
"BitTorrent is a great platform to help us fulfill our mission of providing world-class education to anyone, anywhere," Khan said in a prepared statement. "BitTorrent offers a unique opportunity to video creators and publishers. Their technology allows users to download large video files quickly, plus it requires no costly hosting or infrastructure on our end--an important factor for a non-profit."
The BitTorrent App Studio, launched in August 2010, is currently only available for the Windows clients and includes similar apps for TEDTalks and ClearBits.
About the Author
Joshua Bolkan is contributing editor for Campus Technology, THE Journal and STEAM Universe. He can be reached at [email protected].