Drill Down: STEM-Related Career Interest
In "Return to Sender," we look at the failure of schools in the United States to equip students with the tech-based skills that employers are seeking from new workers. At the base of the issue is the sheer need for educators to develop students' interest in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. What might get them to pursue a career in a STEM-related field? This month’s Speak Up survey endeavored to find out.
Some highlights:
- About a third of secondary school students say they are not interested in entering a STEM-related career.
- Having a temporary job in the field and having a school program about possible future jobs are most often cited by students as factors that would help boost their interest in a STEM-related career.
Are you interested in a career in a STEM-related field?
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Which of the following would help increase your interest in a STEM-related field?
(Multiple responses allowed.)
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Data courtesy of Speak Up 2009. Speak Up is an annual national research project that surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents, and administrators. Speak Up is produced by Project Tomorrow, a national nonprofit organization providing leadership, research, and programming to support science, math, and technology education in America's schools. To participate in Speak Up 2010, visit here. |