Bretford Displays Furniture for Connected Learning

Bretford Manufacturing is showcasing its Edu 2.0 furniture series at this year's ISTE 2012 conference in San Diego. The Franklin Park, IL-based company will also debut its Discovery Guide, a tool designed to guide facility professionals through the process of creating learning spaces, as well as a webinar series featuring a case study project at Hillbrook School in California's Silicon Valley.

Visitors to the Bretford booth will be able to see the Edu 2.0 furniture in a number of modalities, says Cindy Weinschreider, director of marketing communications for Bretford, in a prepared statement.

"The EDU 2.0 furniture is designed using evidence-based practices that involve the voice of the customer," explains Weinschreider. "At ISTE, we are showing examples of EDU 2.0 products in actual applications while providing new tools that give educators the ability to stay connected in their learning facilities."

The company's also hosting a daily session at its booth (#2912), "Using Apple Configurator to Deploy and Manage Devices for the Classroom." The session will cover how to use Apple Configurator with Bretford PowerSync cart or tray to push apps, join wireless, and set restrictions.

Additional information about Edu 2.0 line, the Discovery Guide, and webinar series can be found at the company's Web site or by visiting its booth at ISTE.

About the Author

Kanoe Namahoe is online editor for 1105 Media's Education Group. She can be reached at [email protected].
