Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers
Win $1,000 towards attending the NSTA National Conference
Available Funds/Award: $1,000 towards attending the NSTA National Conference
Opens: Sept. 28, 2013
Proposals Due: Nov. 30, 2013
Final Applications Due: Nov. 30, 2013
Recurring? Annually
Granting Organization: NSTA
Description: The NSTA “The Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers provides selected K–12 teachers (up to 25) in their first five years of teaching with funds to attend the annual National Conference on Science Education. Award recipients will be mentored, tracked, and provided with continuing opportunities for meaningful involvement with NSTA and its activities.”
Requirements: Submit an application, write a 750 word narrative, and provide letters of support.
Eligibility: K-12 teachers who have taught for less than five years full-time
Application Link:
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