Carvechi Launches Online Collaboration Platform

Carvechi Technology has launched a cloud-based collaboration platform, Collaboratory, featuring content sharing, digital whiteboards and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP).

Intended for use by both educational and corporate customers, Collaboratory is designed to help "instructors, students and employees collaborate and seamlessly share content inside and outside the classroom or office," according to information released by the company. "It is designed to improve instruction and increase achievement with a technology solution that organizes instructional materials, tags them to standards or key words and encourages engagement and interaction through social learning features."

Features of the platform include:

  • Videoconferencing;
  • Microsoft Lync integration;
  • The ability to store and organize resources and tools, both teacher- and publisher-created, online;
  • The ability to share searchable content;
  • The ability to search and browse filtered Web content;
  • Annotation tools;
  • Text and video chat;
  • Tool for project-based and professional learning communities; and
  • Shareable teacher planning folders.

More information is available at
