K-12 Canvas Grants Aim To End 'Lossless Learning'

Instructure has given its 2015 Canvas Grants to 10 K-12 educators who demonstrated in their submitted proposals the best ways to develop innovative programs and improve education. The winners, who were announced during the recent SXSWEdu conference March 9-12 in Austin, TX, will each receive $5,000 grants to accomplish the tasks they have set out to achieve.

Stein said the theme reflects one of his company's goals, which is to eliminate the loss of information in the learning process — lost instruction, participation, engagement or assessment.

"Canvas Grants is aimed at helping anyone turn a great idea into reality," he said, "whether that's by designing new technology or testing instructional strategies that move us one step closer toward lossless learning. This year's theme encouraged educators to find new ways to connect technology to the face-to-face classroom and enhance the critical feedback loop."

This year’s K-12 Canvas Grant winners are:

Another component of the Canvas Grants program awarded similar grants to five institutions of higher education as well.

Instructure is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that created the Canvas learning management system.

About the Author

Michael Hart is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and the former executive editor of THE Journal.
