WebAssign Adds Online Tutoring Integration

Querium's Stepwise Virtual Tutor, which uses artificial intelligence technology in its online math tutoring program, will now be available via WebAssign's digital instructional platform.

WebAssign's online instructional system allows teachers to personalize educational materials for students, as well as deploy assignments and assess individual student performance.

The Stepwise Virtual Tutor provides tutoring for math students with the goal of achieving the same results as face-to-face one-on-one tutoring. It employs artificial intelligence to deliver personalized, bite-sized lessons with step-by-step tutoring assistance. Designed with digital natives in mind, Stepwise allows users to write math steps by hand on mobile devices and obtain instant feedback.

Querium is the latest of a list of educational companies that WebAssign has partnered with to enhance its online tools, which focus on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) instruction. As educational technology has advanced since the company's beginnings 16 years ago, it has partnered with companies that have broken ground with new applications.

"Our research and customer feedback indicate that our complementary technologies will further support teaching and learning goals," said WebAssign President and CEO Alex Bloom.

"We look forward to partnering with WebAssign to enhance their future offerings with our expert system technology," said Querium Founder and CEO Kent Fuka. "We believe faculty and students will greatly benefit from this collaboration."

About the Author

Michael Hart is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and the former executive editor of THE Journal.


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