Learning Resources

Follet Partnership Expands Library With 300 Titles for K–2

Education services provider Follett has forged a new partnership with a New Zealand-based publishing company, expanding Follett’s library offerings by 300 fiction and nonfiction titles for K–2 classrooms.

Wendy Pye Publishing has a 30-year record for delivering print, technology and professional development resources to New Zealand schools, including its Sunshine Classics digital program. The reading program was introduced in the United States in the 1980s, according to a new release, and has recently been revamped with additional print reading options – including STEM titles. 

“The titles have been edited and modernized to reflect current topics and interest to today’s young students, as well as to provide question stems that help teachers correlate them to state standards,” according to a statement. Other nonfiction titles will be included in the K–2 that “provide important language skills based around scientific vocabulary and range in topics from outer space to animals to science and technology.”

Further information is available on the Follett site.
