K12 Federation Seeks to Unite School Technology Leaders Nationwide
The K12 Federation on Tuesday launched nationwide to support school technology leaders focused on interoperability, security and other pressing tech issues. The educational cooperative comprises dozens of technology leaders at K–12 schools across the United States that collectively represent more than 4 million students.
Image credit: K12 Federation.
It began as a community of Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada and New York “operators” — or “large school districts, purchasing cooperatives for various products and services, and state level providers,” according to a prepared statement from the K12 Federation. “By coming together, they realized they could build great tools that not only led to more effectively acquisition and implementation within schools, but also optimized the use of resources and public spending through pooled efforts and a centralized source for acquiring reliable technology.”
The K12 Federation provides low cost services and solutions for security and other common tech problems at schools. More information can be found on the K12 Federation site.