Digital Promise Expands Microcredential Catalog

Digital Promise has just placed its seal of approval on eight microcredentials developed by other organizations, adding to the catalog of 450-plus microcredentials it already supports. Each microcredential focuses on a single competency, follows a research-backed method, requires submission of evidence and includes a rubric or scoring. Many of the credentials are free to pursue; others have a fee attached.

The newest set include offerings from three organizations:

  • 228 Accelerator, a self-described "equity accelerator," works with educators to address equity within schools and communities. It now offers five microcredentials, which are focused on helping people show their skills in reflection, relationship-building and equity-centered design.

Digital Promise said it recently developed 10 microcredentials for high schools to demonstrate their competencies in a number of skill areas "that will be indicators of success in the workforce and beyond high school." Topics include algorithmic thinking, computational tools and models, debugging, programming, data analysis and organization, and creating visualizations. It already offers a set of free microcredentials to help educators develop their high school students' skills in computational thinking.

More information on all of the new digital credentials is available from Digital Promise.

About the Author

Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.
