A new study from the University of Maryland found that people recall information better when it is presented to them in a virtual environment, as opposed to a desktop computer. MoreThe use of this technology captivates students while allowing them to learn abstract concepts in off-the-ground ways. MoreAs the Federal Communications Commission prepares to revisit the E-rate, the program that provides billions of dollars in discounts on Internet connectivity to schools and libraries, an annual survey of E-rate applicants offers key insights that could help the agency modify the program to meet the needs of institutions more effectively. MoreA majority of teachers expressed discomfort with newer teaching practices that rely on technology and said they need more collaborative planning time with their peers, in addition to traditional PD. MoreMost people in education believe that video usage on campus increases student satisfaction with their learning experiences; more than nine in 10 respondents (92 percent) said just that to a recent research project on the topic. The survey was done by Kaltura, a company that sells products and services for capturing, creating, managing and hosting videos. MoreIn our third-annual ed tech survey, teachers reveal an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward tech in the classroom and its impact on teaching, learning and professional development. More
The application period for Acer's STEAM Lab Makeover contest is coming to a close in a few weeks. The contest will award a mixed-reality technology package to one school., an artificial-intelligence platform producer, is partnering with AI4ALL, an Oakland, CA-based nonprofit working to increase diversity and inclusion in AI and to educate future AI workers about how it can be a force for social good. The goal: to democratize AI. MoreThe "homework gap" hasn't gone away. According to the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), the lack of access to the internet at home continues to put a sizable number of students at a "significant disadvantage." More"Businesses will spend $1.1 trillion in 2018 on digital transformation…" Trillion. All in 2018. Phew! In this week's blog post, then, we explore the notion of digital transformation outside of K-12 — what is "digital transformation?" What is its goal? Who is doing it? Armed with that understanding, then, in a subsequent blog post we will explore the "digital transformation" of K-12. MoreIn classrooms with long-time educators, most teaching and learning involves technology. Even with assignments, less than half — 42 percent — of student work is done using paper and pencil, according to a new study. MoreA new survey published today reveals that classroom teachers, administrators and other professionals in education turn to a wide variety of sources for research into the effectiveness of technology tools but that they don't believe that some of them are particularly "well equipped to conduct reliable ed tech research." MoreMicrosoft has rolled out its new Surface Go, a $399 version of the popular Surface 2-in-1 device. Schools deploying Surface Go will have the option of running either Windows 10 Home in S mode or Windows 10 Pro. MoreMost parents believe that social networking sites and apps do a crummy job of explaining how they'll use the data they collect, and both parents and teens think those sites should ask for permission before they share or sell personal information they've compiled, according to the results of recent survey. MoreA report being released this week finds that a sizable chunk of educators do not have access to enough outlets or charging stations to support the devices used in their classrooms. More
Upcoming K–12 Grants
Sponsor: Project Learning Tree
Award: $1,000 per organization
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Sept. 30
Sponsor: National Education Association Foundation
Award: $2,000 or $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1, June 1 and Oct. 15 of each year
Sponsor: National Education Association Foundation
Award: $2,000 or $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1, June 1 and Oct. 15 of each year
Sponsor: American Honda Foundation
Award: $20,000 to $75,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 for new organizations; May 1 for returning organizations
Sponsor: SparkFun
Award: STEM/STEAM-related prize packages, event and team sponsorships and other types of support
Number of Awards: Varies
Application Deadline: Ongoing: third Thursday of each month; awards announced on the last business day of each month
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Award: No more than 10 percent of an organization's annual operating expenses or 25 percent of the total budget for the project being funded; awards have ranged from the hundreds to the millions of dollars.
Number of Awards: Varies
Qualification: Project should "directly serve or impact children living in urban poverty, particularly in the areas of education, family economic stability (including microfinance) and childhood health."
Deadline: Ongoing (approx. 10 awards per month)
Deadline: Ongoing (grants awarded on a rolling basis)
Sponsor: Toshiba America Foundation
Award: Two categories: Up to $5,000 and more than $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Up to $5,000 awarded on a rolling basis; Feb. 1 deadline for applications for more than $5,000
Call for Papers & Proposals
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Presenters: Joseph Krajcik, Michigan State University; Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Insight Public Sector, Microsoft
On Demand
Presenters: Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Connection Public Sector Solutions
On Demand
Presenters: Anand Vaishnav and Jacob Waters, Education First; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Acer, Connection Public Sector Solutions
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