K-12 Mobile Classroom
Mobile Technology in the K-12 Classroom


  • Blended Learning Meets the Ghost of Textbooks Past

    No question: the future of educational technology is blended learning enacted in 1-to-1 classrooms. But: exactly what instruction will be delivered? In the past, textbooks played the role of providing teachers with the day-by-day, week-by-week, instructional roadmap. Current lesson marketplaces, however, provide supplemental lessons; there is a huge need for basal/comprehensive, blended learning curricula. Curriculum developers: Listen up!

  • Study: Millennials Spend More Than 3 Hours a Day on Mobile Phones

    The average U.S. millennial (aged 16-30) with Internet access spends 3.1 hours a day on a mobile phone — totaling 21.7 hours a week or 1,128 hours (47 days) a year, according to a new study from global research consultancy TNS.

  • Carnegie Mellon Software Aims To Teach Kids Without Teachers

    A team of volunteers at Carnegie Mellon University is tackling the challenge of creating tablet software that can teach children without teachers to read, write and do basic math.



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