The ability to communicate effectively, think creatively and collaborate are key skills that employers are looking for, but a new study finds a gap between the demands of the job market and lessons in the classroom.
A new report from Project Tomorrow identifies three “pre-existing conditions” that provide context on how teachers use technology as an engagement tool.
Creating opportunities to engage with primary source documents and virtual labs can provide students with more valuable learning experiences in the classroom, according to a new report.
More educators want to be trained on how to incorporate technology into their daily teaching practices, but a new report from Project Tomorrow shows that they are concerned how their students will be able to access those tools outside the classroom
A new survey from Common Sense finds young people are watching twice as many online videos every day than they did four years ago.
Ed Tech News
Professional development for improving teacher effectiveness has residual benefits that last for decades. A project that took place from 2013 to 2017 to provide "high-intensity mentor support" for new teachers in a large urban district appeared to have three major outcomes.
A select group of principals received nearly 200 hours of professional development training over a two-year period through a program at the University of Washington, but a study conducted by ED’s Institute of Education Sciences found the program did not affect student achievement.
Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams has announced a $15 million capital investment in bring STEAM education to over 50 schools.
The assessment provider’s new solution gives educators insights into student proficiencies in English language arts and mathematics through adaptive, through-year assessment that provides summative scores for teachers.
The calculator company is adding new features into, giving students access to a virtual protractor and compass tool, the ability to create grids and incorporate real world-images in geography.
Florida State University is working with SoapBox Labs to test how the company's speech recognition technology could help educators assess student reading and language skills.
Digital Promise has compiled a set of online resources to help teachers deliver "real-world learning." Developed in cahoots with five districts that are in the nonprofit's League of Innovative Schools, the content includes tools for developing a strategy as well as case studies, examples and information about organizations that want to help schools develop real-world learning programs.
The new, two-story elementary school will replace South Point Elementary and is funded by Prop S, a $26 million bond issue approved in April.
The project-based learning company’s new offering will train principals and their school leadership teams on how to implement project-based learning projects.
Aida Calculus uses artificial intelligence to power an app focused on providing students a personalized experience to tackle complex calculus concepts.
Renaissance, the ed tech company that produces Star Assessments, Accelerated Reader and MyOn, among other assessment and learning tools, has acquired Schoolzilla. Schoolzilla offers data-driven dashboards on everything from grades to attendance, with the aim of providing actionable data.
The new app created by Weyo and Sesame Workshop gives preschoolers a safe, ad-free environment to learn and play online.
Adobe's suite of creation programs has been given a major ladling of updates in time for the company's annual user conference. Today, at Adobe MAX, Adobe showed new functionality for Creative Cloud.
Upcoming K–12 Grants
Sponsor: AAUW
Award: $2,000 to $10,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Dec. 1
Sponsor: Vernier and the National Science Teachers Association
Award: $5,500 in cash, products and travel expenses
Number of Awards: 7 (one elementary, two middle school, three high school, one college)
Application Deadline: Dec. 18
Sponsor: Educators of America
Award: Equipment (varies by request)
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Ongoing (quarterly:January, April, July, October)
Sponsor: National Education Association Foundation
Award: Up to 25 laptops and 4G LTE hotspots with free 4G LTE high-speed Internet service for 12 months
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Ongoing (quarterly)
Sponsor: American Honda Foundation
Award: $20,000 to $75,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 for new organizations; May 1 for returning organizations
Sponsor: National Education Association Foundation
Award: $2,000 or $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1, June 1 and Oct. 15 of each year
Sponsor: Vernier
Award: $1,000 in cash, $3,000 in Vernier technology, and $1,500 toward expenses to attend the 2020 National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) STEM conference or the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference
Number of Awards: 1
Application Deadline: Feb. 15
Sponsor: SparkFun
Award: STEM/STEAM-related prize packages, event and team sponsorships and other types of support
Number of Awards: Varies
Application Deadline: Ongoing: third Thursday of each month; awards announced on the last business day of each month
Sponsor: SparkFun
Award: STEM/STEAM-related prize packages, event and team sponsorships and other types of support
Number of Awards: Varies
Application Deadline: Ongoing: third Thursday of each month; awards announced on the last business day of each month
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Award: No more than 10 percent of an organization's annual operating expenses or 25 percent of the total budget for the project being funded; awards have ranged from the hundreds to the millions of dollars.
Number of Awards: Varies
Qualification: Project should "directly serve or impact children living in urban poverty, particularly in the areas of education, family economic stability (including microfinance) and childhood health."
Deadline: Ongoing (approx. 10 awards per month)
Deadline: Ongoing (grants awarded on a rolling basis)
Sponsor: Toshiba America Foundation
Award: Two categories: Up to $5,000 and more than $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Up to $5,000 awarded on a rolling basis; Feb. 1 deadline for applications for more than $5,000
Call for Papers & Proposals
Upcoming Events
Nov. 6–7
Denver, CO
Dec. 3–4
Denver, CO
Jan. 14–17
Miami, FL
Feb. 3–7
March 19–21
Palm Springs, CA
June 16–18
Napa Valley, CA
June 28–July 1
Anaheim, CA
On Demand
Presenters: Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan; Idit Adler, CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University; Renee Bayer, CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Microsoft
On Demand
Presenters: Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan; Sam Severance, Michigan State University; Monique Coulman, Haas Elementary School (Genesee, MI); David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Microsoft
On Demand
Presenters: Joseph Krajcik, Michigan State University; Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Insight Public Sector, Microsoft, HP, Intel
On Demand
Presenters: Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
On Demand
Presenters: Joseph Krajcik, Michigan State University; Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Insight Public Sector, Microsoft
On Demand
Presenters: Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Connection Public Sector Solutions
On Demand
Presenters: Anand Vaishnav and Jacob Waters, Education First; David Nagel (moderator)
Sponsor: Acer, Connection Public Sector Solutions
Professional Resources