Collaboration 2.0
Web 2.0 Strategies for Education


  • Setting the Stage for Distance Learning

    Jean Smith is used to standing up in front of a "live" classroom of high school students, but these days she's testing her acting skills by also delivering those lessons to students located in other school systems. The distance learning capabilities are made possible by Afton, TN-based Chuckey-Doak High School's new video collaboration system and the school's newly formed partnerships with other Northeast Tennessee districts.More


  • Online Learning Provider Launches Virtual School Exclusively for Diploma Completion

    A study conducted in May jointly by Northeastern University's Center for Labor Market Studies and the Alternative Schools Network showed that high school graduates earn an average of $400,000 more over a lifetime than their peers without diplomas. Over a 40-year career, that's an average of $10,000 per year, a pretty fair incentive for a dropout to complete the coursework he or she needs to get that piece of parchment. Online education provider Advanced Academics has launched a program to help them do just that.More
  • Partnership To Promote STEM Education via Game Development

    President Obama recently issued a national call to action to promote science literacy and to encourage student interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. To this end, a partnership of industry groups and technology companies has formed to promote interest in STEM focusing on computer and video games--not playing them, but creating them.More
  • Expands Collaboration Features

    Adobe has expanded the features of its online collaboration tool, The new features, rolled out Nov. 21, include mobile support, organizational improvements, and Flickr and Google Image integration, among other enhancements.More
  • Facts on File to Offer Subscription Video on Demand

    Informational database publisher Facts on File has announced the launch of its own subscription video on demand (SVOD) service, offering streaming educational video titles and categorized segments aimed at the high school market.More
  • FLVS, Giunti To Develop New LCMS

    Florida Virtual School (FLVS) and Giunti Labs have partnered to develop a new learning content management system (LCMS).More
  • Middle School Geography Curriculum Adds Reality, Virtuality to Mix

    Pearson has launched myWorld Geography, a new middle school curriculum designed to let students take a virtual step into the shoes of teens on the other side of the world. More