THE Insider
Critical Insights for K-12 Education Technology Pros 6/1/2018

Editor's Choice

  • 2018 K–12 IT Salary & Job Satisfaction Survey

    With only three exceptions, salaries are up across the board for technology professionals in K–12 education in the last two years. The biggest gripe continues to be (not terribly surprisingly) budgets.


Top 10 Articles of the Last Month

  • How to Use Games to Juice up Science Lessons

    The use of gaming for student-centered learning eliminates constraints, increases engagement, boosts collaboration and empowers students to find answers through deep and rich experiences.

  • High Teacher Stress Leads to Poorer Student Outcomes

    High levels of job-related stress are more common among teachers than previously thought, according to a new study, and may be affecting student outcomes.

  • Math Teachers: Dump Tracking of Students; Focus on Essentials

    A major association of math teachers has issued a call for rethinking math education in pre-K–12.

  • College Recruiting Targets 'Richer, Whiter High Schools'

    An ongoing joint data science project at two institutions has found that while colleges and universities claim to care about access for low-income students and people of color, the students they recruit are neither.

  • Fewer STEM Courses in Minority-Majority High Schools

    The 2015-2016 Civil Rights Data Collection is a survey of all public schools and school districts in the country that measures student access to courses, programs, staff and resources affecting education equity and opportunity for students.

  • How the Library Helps Integrate Making Across the Curriculum

    A Title I STEAM-focused school connects students to new ideas with tech tools that help construct their problem-solving skills all in one place.

  • Making Space for Makerspaces

    Pop-up makerspaces have allowed project-based learning to grow and blossom. Using higher-order thinking skills, students are given the opportunity to problem-solve, ask questions, think, create, innovate, fix and revise. A new set of learning theories have popped up as well. Innovation and design theory have become a way of learning, with entrepreneurship at the helm.

  • Skills Deficit Will Imperil U.S. Economy by 2030

    For all the talk of technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics doing away with the human element in corporate life, well trained human beings are still an essential ingredient. In fact, if the current skills gap remains unplugged, by 2030 the world will see "tens of millions of unfilled jobs and trillions of dollars in unrealized revenue," according to a new study.

  • U.S. Education Straggling in AI, Robotics Readiness

    According to a recent study, "intelligent automation" is boosting the relevance of STEM skills as well as soft skills. However, just a few countries are investing in deep changes to school curricula or teacher training that will be useful in preparing future workers. The United States isn't ranked high among them.

  • NEPC: Virtual Schools Aren't Working

    A new study from the National Education Policy Center offers "overwhelming evidence" that virtual schools don't work. The research from NEPC found that these schools have high student-to-teacher ratios and are "excessively large." They also continue to underperform academically. However, those virtual schools operated by districts performed "far better" than charter-operated schools in performance ratings.


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