Unified Threat Management Platform Expands Mail Security
Check Point Software Technologies today rolled out new versions of its Unified Threat Management appliances and software. The updates expand the range of protection the systems offer for e-mail, including adding a second layer of virus/malware protection and adding enhancements to spam filtering.
Check Point's Unified Threat Management platform includes a line of UTM-1 appliances and VPN-1 UTM software that are designed to provide intrusion prevention and protection against spam and mail-borne viruses. New in the latest versions are features that provide a second level of virus and malware security, including technologies for detecting patterns for previously unknown malware and virus threats to provide zero-hour protection. They also include enhanced protection against spam and phishing attacks, adding filtering by the reputation of the sender.
Other UTM-1/VPN-1 UTM features include:
- Block listings for manual creation of denied and accepted addresses;
- Filtering based on the reputation of the IP address of the sender;
- Protection from threats against the messaging infrastructure;
- Anti-virus signature scanning;
- Outbreak pattern analysis for identifying new threats from viruses and malware; and
- Content pattern analysis to identify spam and phishing attacks.
Company representatives told us Check Point's multi-layer approach to detecting spam provides about 97 percent effectiveness, with about one in 1 million e-mails resulting in false positives.
The updated versions of the appliances and software are available now, with the UTM-1 appliances starting at $7,500.
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About the author: David Nagel is the executive editor for 1105 Media's online education technology publications, including THE Journal and Campus Technology. He can be reached at dnagel@1105media.com.
Proposals for articles and tips for news stories, as well as questions and comments about this publication, should be submitted to David Nagel, executive editor, at dnagel@1105media.com.