44 Middle Schoolers Named Semifinalists in Young Scientist Challenge
Forty-four middle school students have been named semifinalists in the 2008 Young Scientist Challenge, sponsored by Discovery Education and 3M, bringing them a step closer to the $50,000 grand prize, as well as other cash and special prizes.
The national 2008 Young Scientist Challenge asked students to use common technologies (cell phones, digital cameras, etc.) to communicate scientific concepts in a two-minute video presentation around the theme of "science in space." Their submissions were evaluated based on understanding and communication of scientific concepts, not video production quality.
The 44 semifinalists, according to Discovery, represent 43 states plus the District of Columbia. Their number will be pared down to 10 finalists Aug. 20, when the top five teacher finalists will also be announced. The finalists will compete in October in a NASA-sponsored, team-based interactive event. The top prize is a $50,000 United States savings bond. Cash and "special prizes" will also be awarded.
Further information about the competition, including a full list of semifinalists, can be found here.
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About the author: Dian Schaffhauser is a writer who covers technology and business for a number of publications. Contact her at [email protected].
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