Drupal-Based Opigno LMS Released in Hosted Version
Swiss developer Connect-i has released a hosted version of its Drupal-based learning management system, Opigno.
Opigno is an open source LMS based on the Drupal codebase. It provides user-level access controls for teachers, administrators an students, along with the ability to create custom roles. It also includes:
- Course management tools, including a course catalog with public and private listings;
- Course prerequisites;
- Course groupings;
- Calendar;
- WYSIWYG editor;
- Quizzes with support for true/false, multiple choice, matching, text and groupings;
- A centralized question bank;
- Video gallery;
- Videoconferencing support;
- Forums;
- Chat;
- Messaging;
- Various reporting tools;
- LDAP and CAS integration;
- Apache Solr integration; and
- Support for extensions for adding other features.
Opigno is available now as a hosted service. Additional details can be found at opigno.org. A live demo is also available with access using three different default roles.