i-Ready Adds Lessons, Assessments
Curriculum Associates has updated i-Ready with new reading
and math lessons in Spanish, as well as a new K–6 Spanish reading
i-Ready is a platform for differentiated instruction in reading
and math, offering digital instruction and formative assessments. New
features, announced today, include:
Spanish Reading lessons for Grades K–2, which cover phonics
and reading comprehension;
More than 300 Spanish versions of many mathematics
Personalized Instruction lessons for Grades K–6;
Teacher Toolbox, supporting Spanish in grades K–8;
Tools for Instruction in Mathematics in Spanish for grades
Learning Games in Spanish for grades K–8;
Diagnostic for Mathematics in Spanish for grades K–12; and
Reading Assessment in Spanish for grades K–6 for the
2021–2022 school year.
The company also recently launched Spanish-language phone and
email support for i-Ready users and families.
i-Ready is used by some 9.5 million students in the United States.
Further details can be found at curriculumassociates.com.