$20 Million for PK-12 STEM Education
The National Science Foundation is awarding up to 18 multi-year grants for efforts that promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in PK–12 schools. The awards this year are expected to total $10 million to $20 million, with individual awards ranging from $400,000 to $2 million apiece. The deadline for proposals this year is Sept. 5.
The program — Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) — is aimed at increasing awareness of STEM occupations among PK–12 students, motivating them to pursue STEM careers and helping them develop "disciplinary-based knowledge and practices, or promote critical thinking, reasoning skills, or communication skills needed for entering STEM workforce sectors," according to NSF.
Proposed programs can be designed for engaging students within school, outside of school or a combination of the two. Partnerships between PK–12 schools, colleges, universities and other organizations are encouraged.
Three different types of grants will be awarded this year:
• Up to four two-year "Exploratory" grants of up to $400,000 each;
• Up to 12 three-year "Strategies" grants worth up to $1.2 million each; and
• Up to two three- to five-year "Successful Project Expansion and Dissemination" grants of up to $2 million each.
According to NSF: "The ITEST program supports projects that provide evidence for factors, instructional designs, and practices in formal and informal learning environments that broaden participation of students from underrepresented groups in STEM fields and related education and workforce domains. Projects that actively engage business and industry partners to better ensure that PreK-12 experiences foster the knowledge and skill-sets needed for emerging STEM occupations are strongly encouraged."
Complete details can be found at nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17565/nsf17565.htm.
MoreAcer Offers Full Classroom Set of TravelMate Laptops
Acer is giving away a classroom set of TravelMate B117 Windows 10 laptops valued at $8,100. The deadline for teachers to apply is a little more than two weeks away.
Applicants must provide a brief summary explaining why they deserve to win the laptops and can support their claims with images, social media posts or a video.
The grant program is open to all active K-12 educators in the United States, but only one entry per school is allowed. The deadline is June 30. Further details can be found at acer.com/ac/en/US/content/classroom-giveaway-2017.