K12 Grant Alert
Funding, Competitions and Award Opportunities for Educators 12/13/2022

Grant Spotlight

  • $80 Million Available for School Improvements

    Applications are now open for a program that will award $80 million in grants to schools for implementing improvements to schools in the areas of energy efficiency, clean air, and renewable energy.


Grant & Funding News

  • Applications Now Open for $4.5 Million in Energy CLASS Prize Program

    Local education agencies can now submit applications for the Energy CLASS Prize, a program that aims to "make energy management a sustainable feature of their communities while positioning them to make meaningful infrastructure improvements that will reduce utility costs, improve indoor air quality, and improve learning environments long-term." Prizes include $3.75 million in cash and an additional $750,000 in technical support.

  • DARPA AI Adult Learning Tools Competition Open for $750,000 in Awards

    The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), is taking proposals to compete for $750,000 in awards to develop projects that use innovative AI approaches, such as self-directed, remote AI tutoring, to train adults for the current and future national security workforce.

  • Inventionland Course and Contest Leads to Product License for Middle School Students

    Two eighth-grade students in the Grove City (PA) Middle School have garnered a product license for their invention following completion of Inventionland’s K–12 Innovation Curriculum course and winning both their middle school and regional contests. The course, which Inventionland describes as a “cross-discipline STEAM toolbox,” uses the same proprietary nine-step invention process the company follows in its own commercial applications.

  • NSTA Teacher Awards, with $60K in Prizes, Accepting Nominations till Dec. 21, 2022

    The National Science Teaching Association is accepting nominations through Dec. 21, 2022, for its annual teacher awards, with grant prizes totaling over $60,000. The awards recognize informal and classroom educators, researchers, new teachers, longtime teachers, and more.


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