K-12 E-Learning Report
Trends & Analysis in Digital and Online Learning


  • Game Design: The Key to Education?

    Imagine a learning environment where students engage core principals using gameplay, solve problems through team-based collaboration, and use gaming systems in place of standardized textbooks. Is our education system ready for that? Do we have a choice?

  • How Virtual Schools Can Get Real Results

    Julie Young offers her insights into how distance learning can work best for teachers and students.

  • The Math of Khan

    Khan Academy has inspired both unconditional love and virulent criticism. But the controversy around the videos has sparked something truly valuable: a national conversation about math instruction and the role of technology, data, and teachers in helping students learn.

  • Online Learning Takes AP Anywhere

    Online Advanced Placement courses give underserved overachievers a chance to expand their educational horizons (and save on college).

Is your district using technology systemically and innovatively?

Then you should apply for the Sylvia Charp Award! Sponsored by T.H.E. Journal and ISTE, this annual award recognizes a school district that has shown effectiveness and innovation in the application of technology district-wide. The winning district will be honored at ISTE 2013 and receive $2000 for travel to the conference in San Antonio, June 23-26. Click here for more information about criteria and how to apply.


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