THE News Update

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  • Khan Lab School Thrives on Experimentation

    While the classic school carnival features beanbag tosses and balloon pops, the one at Sal Khan's independent school included a makerspace booth to raise awareness for the Saltmarsh Harvest Mouse, a food stand booth raising money to donate to a local environmental non-profit and a test-your-brain booth to teach people about California endangered species.

  • Online Report Cards Rate Teacher Prep Programs

    In the state of Texas the University of Houston got an A for its elementary and secondary education programs, while Texas A&M received a C+ for secondary education, and Wayland Baptist University earned Fs across the board. These grades, along with 2,300 others, were issued on a new online resource that ranks the teacher education programs run by American colleges and universities. The site was developed by the National Council on Teacher Quality, a research and policy organization focused on improving the teaching profession.


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