News Update
What You Need to Know Now 5/17/2018


  • Fewer STEM Courses in Minority-Majority High Schools

    The 2015-2016 Civil Rights Data Collection is a survey of all public schools and school districts in the country that measures student access to courses, programs, staff and resources affecting education equity and opportunity for students.


  • K–12 Tech Orgs Praise Senate Net Neutrality Vote, but Does It Matter?

    If passed into law, the bill would reverse the Federal Communications Commission's December decision to end net neutrality rules put in place by the Obama administration. Those rules, set to expire June 11, bar companies from charging more for some content and from slowing down or outright blocking some content.

  • Blackboard Introduces Web Accessibility Checker

    Blackboard today introduced Blackboard Ally for Web, a solution for assessing and improving the accessibility of institutions' websites. The tool expands on Blackboard's Ally product (launched last year), which focuses on the accessibility of course materials in learning management systems.

  • Making Space for Makerspaces

    Pop-up makerspaces have allowed project-based learning to grow and blossom. Using higher-order thinking skills, students are given the opportunity to problem-solve, ask questions, think, create, innovate, fix and revise. A new set of learning theories have popped up as well. Innovation and design theory have become a way of learning, with entrepreneurship at the helm.


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