Game Developer Partners in Internet Safety Campaign


Web Wise Kids, a non-profit organization that develops simulation games to teach Internet safety, has partnered with search site and pro auto racing organization NASCAR to launch " Safe Search Schools," a program to recognize elementary schools that employ exemplary programs to teach Internet safety.

Schools that wish to be considered must submit a form outlining their Internet safety programs in detail, as well as a special "lesson plan" written by a fifth-grade student suggesting ways that their schoolmates can educate kids and parents in their community about Internet safety. Schools recognized by the program receive new computers, Web Wise Kids software, and even a visit from NASCAR driver Bobby Labonte.

The program launched recently in the Atlanta, GA metropolitan area, and March 6, Cotton Indian Elementary School of Stockbridge was the first school to be recognized with a visit from Labonte, along with the prizes. From there, the program will gradually roll out in regions across the country in the coming months.

Safe Search Schools also entails a public awareness campaign, including radio and TV public service announcements, and special links on the Web site.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
