
Welcome to our free K-12-technology-in-the-classroom white paper and case study library from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

The Quest for the Chromebook Companion – For Education!

Perfect for technology-decision makers, this fun and interactive infographic helps you decide which type of ChromeOS device will best suit your school’s needs. Featuring a choose-your-own-adventure-style game and a side-by-side comparison of Chromebook and Chromebook Plus, you’ll reach the end of your quest ready to make your next tech decision.

From Fundamentals to Plus: Finding your “Perfect Fit” Google Workspace License for Your School

Did you know about Google Workspace for Education’s four different licenses, all bursting with tools and features to elevate teaching and learning? Now the question is, “which one best suits teachers, admins, and students at my school?” Check out this snappy comparison guide of all the Google Workspace for Education licenses!

School Leadership’s Guide to Level Up Your CTE Program

Prepare students for tomorrow's workforce by developing CTE programs that grow and adapt over time. Download this guide today!

2024 Trends in Payments and Tuition Management

This is your Private School’s guide for financial sustainability during inflationary periods. Download today to learn more!

Cyber Resilience in Education

Multi-faceted environments require assessment, detection, and responses on multiple fronts. New cybersecurity strategies offer new hope for educational environments. Download today to learn more!

Picture This: Digital Displays Expand in K–12 Spaces

K–12 districts and schools have unique needs when it comes to digital signage and displays, and should consider a few key attributes to ensure their investment offers long-term value. Download today to learn more!

Getting Started With AI in K12

Effectively plan and prepare for AI/ML workloads with this tactical resource - download this Tech Tactics report to learn more!

Fortify Your School's IT

Safeguard student assets, staff details and your IT ecosystem within a unified hub. Download today to learn more about Digital Transformation in Education!