Hyundai Grant Supports Blended Learning Math Program at 6 Bronx Public Schools

Hyundai Motor America has awarded a grant to support the expansion of the Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math program from MIND Research at six public schools in the Bronx.

ST Math is a blended learning program that uses visual puzzles to introduce math concepts. The program initially uses symbols and introduces words later in an approach that is intended to make the program accessible to all students, regardless of language proficiency. Students use the ST Math instructional software in the schools' computer labs to learn the material at their own pace, and then teachers connect what the students have learned on the computer to math concepts in classroom lessons.

"We believe ST Math will help our teachers better prepare students for academic success, particularly in the high-demand science, technology, engineering, and math fields," said Betty Rosa, New York State Regent for the Bronx, in a prepared statement.

According to Hyundai, this ST Math Initiative grant will benefit approximately 3,000 students and 150 teachers. The program will provide the schools with the ST Math software, teacher training, and ongoing educational support.

New York City-area schools selected to participate in the Hyundai ST Math Initiative this fall include:

Three other regions that were selected to participate in the program this fall include Chicago, IL; Spring, TX; and Pinellas, FL. Past recipients of ST Math grants from Hyundai include six schools in Los Angeles, CA; Orange County, CA; and Washington, DC.

Further information about the ST Math program can be found at

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
